
Black River Falls United Methodist Church May 2023 newsletter
Mission Outreach committee
At the time of this writing, we have not yet met to complete the building of the beds for the Sleep in Heavenly Peace project but will in 3 days. The goal is to complete 30 beds. It was great to have Tom Twesme and his wife tell us about the program on Sunday April 16th. It is wonderful how many lives this program has already affected. At our special collection that day we collected $197.00. This money will be given to the SHP organization to help support their programming or buy supplies. Our church has put together 3 quilts to be donated to the SLP program. Many thanks to our youth, along with many other adult volunteers that participated to help make this possible. Other bedding donations will be given to SHP on April 22 the day of the build. Thank you also to all that have donated their time and talents for the bed build. It is definitely a team effort.
Our Knit for Kids project wrapped up April 30. We ask that all items be turned in no later than May15th. We were able to surpass our goal of 100 items. As items are still coming in I will have a final count for you in our next newsletter. No date has been set yet for a blessing of the items before they are sent off to World Vision. I want to thank everyone that has been working hard to help us meet this goal. Many children will be warm on cold days thanks to you. Please don’t let this deadline prevent you from continuing to work on projects. Just set them aside for when we start up again in full swing in the Fall. Yarn donations are desperately needed so if you are spring cleaning or see some on garage sales think of us.
No new sewing dates have been set yet for either Patricia Project or quilt making. Keep posted for a new date and time.
Be watching the United Methodist Church website for other volunteer opportunities through the UMC Volunteers in Mission Program. Volunteers are still needed to help get the camps ready for summer campers.
The next meeting of the Mission outreach committee May 7th at 10:30am.
Submitted by Charlene Galston
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