At a recent mission outreach committee meeting we decided to start our Knit for KIds campaign
on Sept 1, 2021 and will conclude in April of next year. For you happy knitters and crocheters if
you choose, yarn and patterns are available in the gathering area in the bench as well as in the
Wesley room. You may use your own patterns if you choose. So , ready- set- go!!
As always there is a need for donations of yarn. Plain worsted is preferred but all
will be gladly accepted.
With the summer months and now the increase of Covid 19 it is problematic to get together
to do sewing for our Patricia project. The committee also discussed sewing projects like making
quilts for the beds in the Sleep in Heavenly Peace project and pillow case dresses to send with
Marcia Hagen on an upcoming mission trip. Kits could be assembled so that these projects
might be completed at home. If you have any interest in helping with kits or working on a project at home please contact me , Charlene Galston at 715 284 9544.
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