Black River Falls United Methodist Church
Mission Outreach Committee report
The mission outreach committee is moving forward to support our church in mission as we ramp up after a bit of a summer break.
Our biggest project this year will be to establish dinner church program which expands and enhances our Wednesday night meals into dinner church based upon the book Fresh Expressions of the Rural Church by Michael Adam Beck and Tyler Keeberger.
Members of the mission outreach committee along with others in our church have read this book. I would encourage you to do so as well if you are able. We are in agreement that this is a worthwhile endeavor to have dinner church. To, we have purchased a workbook that coincides with the book, that will provide us with guidelines and instructions for holding dinner church. We hope to have a process in place by early next year.
The Administrative Council will be having an extra meeting on September 7th at 6:30 PM to work on completing a grant application to the United Methodist Foundation to financially support this project and set up a work team/taskforce to set up and organize the needed committees. This meeting is open to all. Please join us if you would like to be a part of this process.
The disaster on Maui has touched many lives. UMCOR is providing disaster relief and if you would like you can donate directly on their web site UMCOR - Global Ministries ( or if you prefer, we will be doing a special collection on September 10. Special envelopes will be provided to place donations in, and all monies collected will be sent on to UMCOR. Please designate Mau if this is where you would like your funds to go, otherwise there are many other disaster sites within the US and internationally that UMCOR is currently working with, and your monies may go to their “general fund”.
Looking for other ways that you can serve others? The Wisconsin Conference Volunteers in Mission (VIM) website Volunteers in Mission - Wisconsin Conference of the UMC ( lists several opportunities some of which are nearby. I would encourage you to check out the web site for more information or the mission outreach web site for a full listing. Help is needed:
Tentatively on September 15 weekend at Pine Lake Campground
September 25 for one week at Lake Lucerne Campground
Tentative October 22 for one week in Kentucky
Though some of us never took a knit or crocheting break over the summer, we will soon be beginning our World Vision challenge for the 2023-2024 year. Our goal will be 125. There remains a need for sweaters, hats, mittens, scarves, and school age children’s blankets which can be either knit, crochet or fleece size 36 inches by 42 inches. Let’s go!
Marcia Hagen has some mission trips to Guatemala with focus on vision health coming up in the next few months. She will be able to take a few pillowcase dresses with her. I have a sewing day planned for September 12 at 1:00 PM in the Wesley room. All sewers are needed to meet our goal of 10. Please RSVP to me so that I have enough supplies. 715 896 9055
I would like to extend a thank you to:
Evangelical Lutheran Church for the sharing of yarn from their supply
Karen Brandt for donation of trims for sewing.
Donation of fabric and yarn from an anonymous source.
We have received thank you’s from World Vision for sweaters etc. and Midwest Mission for our donation to the In Gathering mission relief.
Dates to remember:
September 10 next Mission Outreach meeting @10:30 am and special collection for UMCOR
September 12 @ 1:00 pm sewing day
Submitted by
Charlene Galston